Friday, July 4, 2008

Great New Poultry Forum!

Finally, there is a forum where people can discuss all breeds of fowl! From heritage breeds, gamefowl, rare breeds, and everything in between is welcome at the Ultimate Fowl Forum. We welcome people just beginning with chickens, or experienced breeders here, and everyone is treated equally...

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Friday, April 18, 2008

If you own chickens...

I pulled the following off my myspace group, and if you own chickens, you absolutely have to read this. It shows the lengths peta will go to, to get what they want. All I can say, is what has our society come to that this kind of thing can happen?

Hello - perhaps some of you remember a group member known on here as Chef Isidoro. His real name is Jeffery Jones, and one month ago in Macon, Georgia he was sentenced to 6 years in prison for killing a pit bull that came into his yard and killed 36 of his pet Wyandotte chickens. Isidoro raised this heritage breed of chicken for their colorful markings and the quality of their eggs - NONE were ever sold or eaten. This was his choice of pet and I assure you that each had a name and its own distinct personality. The dog in question was a neglected pit bull that was allowed to roam the streets in spite of Macon’s leash laws and a well-documented history of violence towards both humans and other animals. I am not speaking against pit bulls here - I know them to be the best of breeds if raised properly - Isidoro himself has owned a few - all were well cared for and properly raised and restrained. This dog’s owner was irresponsible - his own courtroom testimony said that he never knew where his dog was and that he often left town without making provisions for its feeding or other care. This dog had to be rabies quarantined for its earlier attacks on people - by Georgia law, this classifies it as a ’dangerous dog’ and it is required to be put down. Not in this case, however, because the neglectful owner happens to be Otis Redding III, son of the music legend. The dog came on my brother’s property, into his chicken coop and helped kill ALL 36 of my brothers pets. Several times Animal control was called regarding this dog - and even after Isidoros pets were butchered and eaten - animal control did nothing. Isidoro had obtained a new batch of Wyandotte chicks - to defend these new pets and his property he realized that something had to be done to prevent another slaughter - he set a leg-hold trap in his yard near the coop, caught this dog and dispatched of it in a manner was instantaneous - without suffering. The woman who prosecuted him (everyone else in the DAs office refused - said there was no case) is a woman named Kim Schwartz - a PETA activist who has no right prosecuting animal law due to her extremist beliefs and behaviors. SHe has tried to distance herself from PETAs more extreme activities, but admits to being a long-time dues paying member. She has written manuals that can be found online on how to prosecute Animal Law, and had admitted to teaching courses on the subject. SHe went after Isidoro witha fanatic passion that mad e her seem possessed - as if by personal vendetta. She had PETA protests staged outside the courtroom and a large grouop of these activists seated inside the courtroom in the closest possible proximity to Isidoro - they wore shirts and buttons declaring Isidoros guilt. PETA is a regular fixture inside and outside of courtrooms whenever this woman tries an animal case - ask yourself, isn’t this somehow unethical - how can anyone expect to receive fair and impartial justice in an animal cse from a PETArd??? This same DA, was walked own the aisle at her own wedding, not by her father or another family member, but by her dog. Does this not reflect an extremist thought process. This PETA activist DA nad her PETA buddies railroaded a felony conviction on Isidoro - he was convicted where the law specifically states "a person shall not be considered guilty of this offense if the animal constitutes any reasonable threat to the person’s property, livesstock, or poultry" - poultry means chickens, correct??? Chef Isidor is really Jeffery Paul Jones, my brother - he was sent to prison for 6 years for nothing more than defending the lives of his pet animals when all other options failed. How many pets should a person allowed to be killed by a more vicious animal with a well-documented history of violent attacks - itself a victim of a neglectful and irresponsible owner. The Redding name in Macon has always been shown favoritism above the law - this was half the problem. The other biggest part was the involvement of PETA inside and outside the courtroom - including the misplaced passion of a District Attorney with strong PETA ties and sentiments.
Six -years for the life of a violent dog is far too excessive. We need the help of anyone who sees the injustice here that is willing to help. Right now, we are sending letters to the Judge who set down such a grossly disproportionate sentenece - and the Chief DA for Macon - the ONE who is actually an elected official, and Kim Schwartz.s boss. We are trying to fill his box with concerns over PETA’s presence in our courtrooms - and the unethical behavior of a PETA activist DA trying animal related cases. ANYONE who is willing to help can contact me at I will give you the addresses of the Judge, DA, governor, senators, anyone you are willing to write to. If you want to take a stab at PETA - then help us remove one of their more dangerous associates from being able to prosecute animal law....
I would greatly appreciate hearing from as many of you as are willing - I acn provide many more facts of this case - and pETAs reckless involvement in this area. Any of you who remember chef Isidoro - i would like to hear from you as well - he asked me to contact this group specifically, your time and assistance are greatly appreciated...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


For years we've been amused by the ridiculous complaints and accusations of animal rights groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Friends of Animals, the Humane Society, and others. They have tried to encourage our young people to drink beer instead of milk, cried foul about casino patrons playing tick-tack-toe against chickens, vilified Burger King because their veggie burgers are cooked on the same grill with meat patties, and filed lawsuits against McDonald?s for labeling French fries and hash browns as vegetarian items, because they are fried in vegetable oil that contains traces of beef essence...

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Live video feed promises to dispel myths about gamefowl

A bold new project to dispel the myths about how gamefowl are raised, and treated. This gamefowl live video feed project promises to provide around-the-clock live video feeds of the entire first year of the lives of a number of gamefowl, and will give people a first hand view of these beautiful birds, and how well they are treated as they mature.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

H$U$ Lies To Congress

H$U$ Public Health Director Dr. Michael Greger testified on Tuesday before congress that that it (H$U$)was asked by the San Bernardino County District Attorney ’s office to withhold an undercover slaughterhouse video from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The D.A. says it isn't so. Is anyone really surprised that the H$U$ official would commit perjury?

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Animal-rights terrorism threatens medical research!

Each day might start with the search under your car for a bomb or the shrill ringing of the phone, signaling yet another anonymous death threat. There's the examination of property damage before you've had your morning cup of coffee. Maybe this time it's broken windows, a flooded house or just hateful graffiti. Then there's the sick worry as you send your children to school, knowing they will be stalked, threatened or denigrated in front of their peers. And the fear as you handle the mail each day, wondering if razors or worse await you upon opening it...

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Animal Rights, or Animal Welfare?

As I look through the policies and beliefs of the animal rights organizations, I am appalled at the number of members they have. Surely this many Americans have not lost their minds. I believe that the problem at hand is that many people are confusing animal rights with animal welfare. Before you make up your mind that they are one and the same, please read on...

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jury Nullification

If you ever are placed on a jury for an issue that violates a person's rights, this is some good information to know about! You can find out more information about this at American Jury Institute. Thanks.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

PETA demands closure of cruel online community

I found the following news story today, and can say that this really disturbs me. If they are going after these kinds of sites, who do you think they will go after fowl sites, cat fancier sites? Well, I can tell you that if you are saying, "How does this effect me? I don't participate in these kinds of sites." you couldn't be more wrong. Big organizations like PETA wield a lot of power, due to all the money they raise from promoting animal rights issues that they don't even follow themselves! They are always looking for something like this to make a big issue about, so they can get publicity to raise even more money. They forget to mention how they kill nearly 100% of all the dogs they take in. So who is cruel now? The point I am trying to make is that it's dogs today, but who knows who they will set their sights on tomorrow? Maybe something you're invovled with, maybe something I am involved in! All I ask, is take a little time to do some research, before donating your hard earned money to organizations like this. If you want to support animal rights issues, you might want to look to your local animal shelter, who are generally under funded to start with, so you know your money is being used for something other than supporting the fat salaries of a bunch of "so called" animal lovers. Thanks


Animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has demanded an immediate closure of a Web community that "instigates violence" towards dogs.

In a letter to the Union Information and Technology secretary, the organisation has urged the Central government to direct Google to block "some illegal and cruel content posted on its social networking site Orkut."

"We have also requested him to initiate appropriate action against the members who claimed to have committed acts in violation of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Act) 1960," PETA-India coordinator (Campaigns and Legal Affairs) N G Jayasimha told PTI.

In fact, the letter followed after PETA spotted topics on Orkut community on 'I hate dogs', which discussed 'How 2 kill a dog?'.

Through the discussion, PETA volunteers figured out that one of the members of the community "suggests killing of puppies by dropping them from a building" and also "admits to throwing three puppies", another member claims, "I have killed two by my car after 1,012 hard tries near my place. One was a small puppy on which I dragged my bike."

"Instances such as these indicates a disturbing trend. People who are violent to animals rarely stop there. Studies show that people who abuse their animal companions are likely to abuse their kids. A person who comes home and kicks the dog is probably just warming up," Jayasimha said.

When contacted, a Google spokesperson said, "All the Orkut contents are created by users not monitered by us. We take the abuse seriously and are constantly developing new tools to review inappropriate content on the site. At the same time, we put a certain amount of trust in our users to notify us of violations, When we learn about the violations, we act quickly to remove inappropriate content. We have done that in many cases, and will continue to do so."

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Thursday, January 31, 2008

7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA.

From July 1998 through the end of 2005, PETA killed over 14,400 dogs, cats, and other "companion animals" -- at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters. That's more than five defenseless animals every day. Not counting the dogs and cats PETA spayed and neutered, the group put to death over 90 percent of the animals it took in during 2005 alone...

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Just a couple of quotes I found interesting.

“The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is not affiliated with, nor is it a parent organization for, local humane societies, animal shelters, or animal care and control agencies … The HSUS does not operate or have direct control over any animal shelter.”
— From a 2001 disclaimer issued by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)

“Our goal is to get sport hunting in the same category as cock fighting and dog fighting.”
— Bozeman (MT) Daily Chronicle

“The life of an ant and that of my child should be granted equal consideration.”
— HSUS senior scholar Michael W. Fox

“The Humane Society should be worried about protecting animals from cruelty. It’s not doing that. The place is all about power and money.”
— HSUS consultant and former HSUS Chief Investigator Robert Baker, in U.S. News & World Report

Pokémon cartoon is like cockfighting, except cuter.
-By Franklin Harris

Saturday, January 26, 2008

HSUS Learders Pacelle and Goodwin Caught Fighting Roosters?

Pacelle and Goodwin. These two former animal rights activists shocked the world when they suddenly appeared in Manila and took home the coveted World Slasher Cup, and have not lost an ounce of momentum since. They vow to win Cocker of the Year honors at every major pit in the world this year, and many think they may accomplish just that.

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Kelso from Stevens Poultry Farm

Picture of a beautiful Kelso Stag from Stevens Poultry Farm, on half of the Cajun Yankee Poultry Connection.
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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Is Cockfighting Humane?

Below is a quote taken from Mr. Herbert Atkinson, please take a second to read this with an open mind. Thanks.

With regard to the cruelty attached to the sport, it must be remembered that no man can encourage or force a cock to fight aginst his inclination, or stop him running away if so inclined ; that artificial spurs lessen their sufferings by shortening them. The persons who generally exclaim against the sport are those who are not conversant with the nature of the game cock, and have never seen a cock-fight. They must, therefore, be incapable of forming a correct judgment on the subject. It must also not be forgotten that the game cock was reared in every enjoyment and luxury till two years old, and then had a fair chance of his life ; whereas an ordinary chicken is reared until some five or six months old, perhaps crammed, and finally killed, not always by any means in as merciful a manner as the game cock. It is not desired to write a defense to the sport, but simply to put both sides of the question before the reader, who will, I trust, approach the subject with what one of greatest statesmen called "an open mind."

Sunday, January 20, 2008

PETA's death toll up to 17,400!

PETA Euthanizes 97% of Animals in its Care
Spero News
Sunday, January 13, 2008

"Death toll up to 17,400; report describes PETA's deadliest year ever."

An official report from People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) shows that the animal rights group put to death more than 97 percent of the dogs, cats, and other pets it took in for adoption in 2006. During that year, the well-known animal rights group managed to find adoptive homes for just 12 pets. The non-profit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) is calling on PETA to either end its hypocritical angel-of-death program, or stop its senseless condemnation of Americans who believe it's perfectly ethical to use animals for food, clothing, and critical medical research.

Not counting animals PETA held only temporarily in its spay-neuter program, the organization took in 3,061 "companion animals" in 2006, of which it killed 2,981. According to Virginia's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), the average euthanasia rate for humane societies in the state was just 34.7 percent in 2006. PETA killed 97.4 percent of the animals it took in. The organization filed its 2006 report this month, nine months after the VDACS deadline of March 31, 2007.

"Pet lovers should be outraged," said CCF Director of Research David Martosko. "There are thousands of worthwhile animal shelters that deserve Americans' support. PETA is not one of them."

In courtroom testimony last year, a PETA manager acknowledged that her organization maintains a large walk-in freezer for storing dead animals, and that PETA contracts with a Virginia cremation service to dispose of the bodies. In that trial, two PETA employees were convicted of dumping dead animals in a rural North Carolina trash dumpster.

In Southampton County, Virginia, another PETA employee currently faces criminal charges in a dog-napping case. Andrea Florence Benoit Harris was arrested in late 2006 for allegedly abducting a hunting dog and attempting to transport it to PETA's Norfolk headquarters.

"PETA raised over $30 million last year," Martosko added, "and it's using that money to kill the only flesh-and-blood animals its employees actually see. The scale of PETA's hypocrisy is simply staggering."